2-Day Estate Farm Auction – Day 2 Saturday, Oct. 28, 2017 at 9:00AM

ADDRESS/DIRECTIONS: 623 Saxon Hill Rd. Reynoldsville, PA 15851. From Big Run, take Prescottville Rd to Sportsmans Dam Rd and follow auction signs. From Reynoldsville, take Prescottville Rd and follow auction signs (near Krajewski’s Meats).
VEHICLE/TRACTOR/EQUIPMENT: 2013 Chevrolet Traverse 68,000 miles, 1026 International tractor, International Model 56 corn planter, Massey-Ferguson Model 33 grain drill, hay wagon, steel wheels with cleats for tractor
GUNS/AMMO: Springfield 30-06, Ruger Mark 1 handgun, Ruger single 6, Marlin .22, BB guns, pocket knives, holsters, ammo (30-30, 45, 22, shotgun shells), 22 clips, Tony’s turkey talker call. Background checks required on handguns.
COLLECTIBLES: Winchester #6 battery, wood wall telephones, chicken feeders and waterers, (4) wooden barrels, potato cleaner, potato plow, vintage beer cans, chicken nests, crocks, milk carriers, child’s Schwinn bike, wash tubs, runner sleds, Harley Davidson collectibles, Navy uniforms, military field table, milk cans, old wooden doors, corn sheller, hay hooks and much more.
TOOLS/HOUSEHOLD: Bose music center (new in box), wall heater, long handle tools, hand tools, office supplies, plastic totes, Coleman lanterns, small propane tanks, baskets, canning jars, square tub Maytag wringer washer (nice), floor jacks, Dremel tools, air compressor, pressure washer, Craftsman push mower and much more.
NOTE: We will be selling contents of outbuildings. Lots of scrap.
Approximately 400 box lots to be sold first.
TERMS: Cash, Check or Credit Card with ID.
Announcements made the day of Auction, take precedence over any in advertising.