Public Auction – Collectibles, advertising, tools, coins and more! – starting at 9:00AM

Saturday, January 20 2018 at 9:00 AM
LOCATION: At the Elderton firehall. 305 Williams Street, Elderton, PA 15736. Watch for signs.
ADVERTISING: Oil Cans: Around the World Motor Oil, Penn Champ, Jaguar, Grand Champion, Texaco outboard, Sinclair, Harley Davidson, Amoco outboard, Mobil, Pennzoil, Gulf, Banner, Esso, Big 4, Valvoline, Cross Country, Veedol, cigarette advertising, beer advertising, Coca-Cola clock, cooler, trays and thermometers, Braun’s bread thermometers, Pepsi and RC Cola thermometers and signs, Gulftane pump plate, Texaco Fire Chief pump plate, Sinclair pump plate, Mobil pump plate, True Temper garden tool rack, Bendix signs, Yuengling Pottsville PA beer sign, AC spark plug tin, tobacco tins, Sunbeam bread and Casite thermometers and more.
COLLECTIBLES: Tonka fire truck, Nylint fire truck, Tonka dump truck, Tonka grade-all, tractors, Oliver tractor, International tractor and wagon, Hot Wheels lot on card, Matchbox lot on card, die cast vehicle lots, decorative crocks, costume jewelry, lighters, belt buckles, pocket knives, skeleton keys, wooden tub, school bell, glass churn, barn lantern, copper foot warmer, PRR red globe lantern, graniteware PRR coffee pot (wow), coal miner’s bucket, carbide lights, miner’s safety lamps, 2lb Union Carbide can, porcelain license plates (1913, 1914 and 1915), vintage license plates, Ford pedal tractor, John Deere pedal tractor, Western Flyer wagon, (4) children’s folding chairs, Miller’s Dairy wood crate, runner sleds, bobble heads, vintage cameras, milk cans, wooden pulleys, child’s pedal motorcycle, Radioflyer tricycle, records, metal Dr’s cabinet, china hutch, Drink Apollo Carbonated Beverages wood cooler, marble-top wash stand, lunch boxes (Magic Kingdom, Charlie’s Angels and Davy Crockett), firetruck pedal car, Army truck, cement truck, Tonka pickup, Buddy L Repair It Unit, cast iron toys and more.
TOOLS: open end wrenches, Protemp heater, pressure washers, cross cut saw, Dewalt and Ridgid compressors, weed eaters, 1000 watt generator, leaf blowers, propane heater, Protech chop saw, air tanks, body frame repair kit, chain saws, 90 amp Flux welder, electric portable heaters, Mac toolbox, 5 hp compressor, step ladders and more.
COINS: (2) 1999 $50 gold coins, (2) 1881 $5 Liberty head gold coins, Morgan silver dollars, 1853 seated dime, large cents, Walking Liberty quarters and half dollars, (2) 1925 and 1926 $2 1/2 Indian head gold coins, silver eagles, silver certificates.
TERMS: Cash, Credit Card or approved PA check with proper ID. Announcements made on the day of the sale, take precedence of any in the advertising.