Memorial Day Auction

Memorial Day Auction
Monday, May 27, 2019 at 9:00AM
ADDRESS/DIRECTIONS: 866 State Rte 2020, Ford City, PA 16226. Traveling route 422N from Elderton, make a left on Cherry Run Rd. Watch for signs. GPS recommended.
Dale Jr. and Dianne Boarts are downsizing.
COLLECTIBLES: miner’s safety lights, miner’s helmet, carbide bicycle light, lanterns, RR switch lantern, oil lamps, ceremonial sword, milk bottles, milk bottle carrier, American Flyer train set, large variety of crocks, Hawthorne, E.S. & B., New Brighton, primitive wood buckets, wood Chocolate box, primitive wooden human yoke, large glass cookie jar, ballast, brass candle holders for caboose, folding wooden box, Aunt Jamima collection, cap guns, comic books, vintage magazines, gas maps, machinist tool box loaded with machinist tools, Kittanning Builder’s Supply thermometer, baseball cards (1980s), atari, vintage door knobs, locks, keys, (2) porcelain Atlantic White Flash signs, early sheep shearer, tricycles, Maytag engine (rebuilt), Maytag wrenches, variety of Maytag oil cans, sausage stuffer, wheel measures, wooden pulleys, (2) pitcher pumps, variety of oil cans, parking meter, oil drums, brass pumps, variety of scales, milk bottles, hand planes, corn shellers, egg box, grinding wheel, corn chopper, spoke shavers, butter churns, carnival glass punch bowl set, egg scale, feed bag tying tool, beer steins, wagon bench, barn beam drill, vintage bicycle, tractor seats, a variety of antique tools and much more.
EQUIPMENT/TOOLS: 1952 Ferguson tractor, Woods finishing mower deck, (2) cement mixers, John Deere rototiller, trimming saw, grease gun, wall mount drill press, floor fan, bench vise, bench grinder, sockets, step ladder, large variety of good quality pipe wrenches (3-4′), wheelbarrow, 115V electric transfer fuel pump, long handled tools, hose reel and more.
GUNS: Winchester Model 94 30-30 (pre-64), Winchester Model 70 7MM Classic Sporter (like new), 300 Weatherby (new in box), 3006 with Mauser action (older rifle), brass cartridges
COINS: ~17 silver dollars, mercury dimes, foreign coins and currency, V nickels, variety of currency, large cents, clad half dollars, Indian head pennies, Walking and Kennedy half dollars, rolls of Roosevelt dimes, 7300 wheat pennies, Buffalo nickels and coin books.
This is a large coin collection.
This is a LARGE auction, bring a chair and come prepared.
A tent will be provided, please bring a chair
TERMS: Cash, Credit Card or approved PA check with proper ID. Announcements made on the day of the sale, take precedence of any in the advertising.