Estate Auction

Freeman Yoder Auctions
Estate Auction
Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 9:00AM
ADDRESS/DIRECTIONS: 1664 Dixon Road, Brookville, PA 15825. Watch for signs.
Estate of Don Cepull
TOOLS: mini RAM press, Stack On tool boxes, socket sets, wrenches, air compressors, jacks, long handled tools, torch and tank set, log and tire chains, organizers, scrap metal (3 vehicles), motor oil, oil filters, power tools, extension cords, extension ladders, electrical supply, pipe wrenches, copper tubing, folding ladder, rolls of plastic pipe, new garage door opener, Colman lanterns, bench grinder, band saw, drill press, chop saw, Reddy heater, jumper cables, air tanks, hardware, battery chargers, new metal shelving and much more.
GUNS & RELOADING SUPPLIES: HAND GUNS: 2nd generation Colt 45 Peacemaker, Ruger Blackhawk 45, Colt Army special 32-20, Ruger Super Redhawk 45, Smith & Wesson model 1905 32-20, Magnum Resource 45-70 stainless steel, Spanish 1925 Rural 32-20, Czech 7.62, Hungarian 9MM, Automatic Protector 6.35, Kittie mag 32, H&R 38. LONG GUNS: Enfield 30-06, Over/Under 12 ga, Siamese Mausers 8×50 and 8×52, Model 1894 Daisy BB gun, NRA Centennial Daisy BB gun, gun barrels, gun parts, 1000s of bullets, gun vise, Cannon gun safe, bullet molds, reloading dies, gun cases, leather holsters.
COLLECTIBLES/MISC: cross cut saws, miner’s safety lamps, miner’s bucket, comfo helmet and wick light, records, Fender amplifier, military uniforms, crocks, runner sled, Bear bows, Christmas items and much more.
Approximately 400 box lots will be sold first.
TERMS: Cash, Credit Card or approved PA check with proper ID. Announcements made on the day of the sale, take precedence of any in the advertising.
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