Estate Auction

Freeman Yoder Auctions
Estate Auction
Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at 4:00PM
ADDRESS/DIRECTIONS: 2000 Hemlock Acres Road, Smicksburg, PA 16256 (formerly Windgate Winery) NOTE: after parking, some walking will be required.
Estate of Dr. Daniel Enerson
“Bavarian Alps” – oil painting by William Richard Tyler – circa 1865-1875 – signed
1840 portrait – oil painting – unknown American artist
Oil painting on canvas by Milan Petrovits – signed
Oil painting on board – attributed to Milan Petrovits
“Elizabeth–Mary–Ferris” – oil painting by Jean L. G. Ferris – circa 1860s – signed
Portrait watercolor by Jon Whitcomb (American Illustrator) – signed
”Beau Brumniel & The Prince of Wales” – color etching by Bernard B. De Monvel – signed artist proof 64/100
Revolutionary War FIELD OF BATTLE (Fort DuQuesne) etching by George G. Smith
Antique sampler – Pennsylvania – wrought by Mary Lund – age 14 – 1822
COLLECTIBLES: hand forged 1800s cast iron lamp with rooster, great selections of daguerreotypes and tintypes (some soldiers), wood mortise and pestle, 2 gallon decorated crock, early hand-painted cheese boxes, early lamps, Officer’s Model Match 22 Colt revolver in original box, paper weights, early Christmas ornaments, 19th century clothing, unusual fur purse, linens and doilies, hand fans, crystal glassware and much more.
FURNITURE/PRIMITIVES: leather top desk, book shelves, computer desk, high back oak chair, table mirror w/drawers, cherry chest of drawers, gaming tables, painted nightstands, beds, small oak display cabinet, end tables, mahogany corner cabinet, Pennsylvania Dutch 1752 wedding chest, wind-up wall clock, lamps, serving table, Captain’s table/traveler’s desk on original stand, walnut Pennsylvania primitive highboy, table and (4) chairs, cherry sideboard, Pennsylvania primitive step-back highboy, washers and dryers, gothic style wood/leather chair (needs repaired), Amana refrigerator and more.
TOOLS: Craftsman drill press, chop saw, Delta scroll saw, dust collector, Rockwell shaper, jointer, sander, 12” band saw, Craftsman stackable tool box, Delta 10” table saw, Makita 15” planer, buffer/sander, work bench and grinder, shop vac, wood clamps, 8000 watt generator, fuel cans, push mowers, routers, drills, Dremel tools, wrenches, vise, air nailer, extension cords, DeWalt drills, adjustable rollers, sanders, C-clamps, long handled tools, medical lift, treadmill, hospital bed, step ladders and much more.
Approximately 150 box lots will be sold first.
TERMS: Cash, Credit Card or approved PA check with proper ID. Announcements made on the day of the sale, take precedence of any in the advertising.
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