Estate Auction, Real Estate, 23 Farmall tractors – Saturday, August 7, 2021

Freeman Yoder Auctions
Estate Auction, Real Estate
Saturday, August 7, 2021 starting at 9:00AM
REAL ESTATE: (4) BR Farmhouse, Bank barn and (2) Out-buildings on approximately 3 ¼ acres.
General event timing: Box Lots start at 9:00AM (approx. 300 boxes)
Real Estate to be sold at 12:00 NOON
ADDRESS/DIRECTIONS: 1996 Alabran Rd. Smicksburg, PA 16256. Follow route 954, turn onto Alabran Road. Watch for signs.
COLLECTIBLES/ANTIQUES: VERY LARGE collection of books, explosives box, ammo cans, priest robes, glassware, porcelain, vases, lanterns, postcards, large amount of Catholic relics, ERTL toy tractors, rifle (Italy), wind up toy tractor, toy trucks, Ithaca 20ga SS, child’s wagon, Aladdin lamp, communion set, Tootsie toy cars, Dick Tracy cap gun, IH thermometer, military back pack, tin signs, Red Ryder BB gun, tractor signs, lighters, 22 cal ammo, shot gun shells, pocket knives, 38 special ammo, NIB Nintendo, WWII ammo pouch, foreign coins, vintage 35mm camera, souvenirs, wood trinket boxes, scrap books, wooden figures.
TOOLS/EQUIPMENT: 2 & 3 ½ ton floor jacks, 8hp B&S generator, saw horses, grease, vise, chains, jacks, aluminum ramps, extension ladder, long handled tools, wood block & tackle, NIB mini-drill press, cases of motor oil, antifreeze, plywood, boards, lumber, chain binders, hand tools, Craftsman toolbox & misc, step ladders, jack stands, chainsaw, air compressor, push mowers, digging bars, wood tractor pulleys, hay hooks, fuel cans, c-clamps, pipe clamp, organizer, battery charger, pipe wrenches, chicken wire, washer fluid, pressure washer, come-a-longs, large quantity of new hardware, new air tank, new bench grinder, drill bits, new 9” drill press, new house wire, new router, tarps, new copper tubing, Stanley #4 plane, ratchet/socket set, leather-number punches, portable table saw, camping items, hand cultivator, 2-bottom plow…
FURNITURE: Whitney piano/bench, metal desk, typewriter stands, file cabinets, dozens of book shelves, cook stove, painted hutch, kitchen cabinet, small electric stove, refrigerator, china cabinet, misc chairs, painted bench, metal tables, lamps, chest of drawers, trunk…
TRACTORS: 1936 F-12, 1947 H (serial# 264858X1), 1953 Super H (18381 J), 1935 F-20, 1957 350 diesel, 1943 M (61529), Massey Harris w/Hi Lift, 1951 M (247536), 1947 BN culti-vision, 1957 450 (13987), 1949 M with lift (181982XI), 1947 M on steel (131862), 1942 H wide front (120243), 1957 350 gas (13123), 1952 M (296836XIG), 1950 C (69456), 1951 Super C (129815), 1954 Super H (22648MJ), 1949 H (318706XI), 1949 H on steel (304223XI), 1949 H with lift (325137XI), 1944 M wide front, 1959 460.
TERMS: Cash, Ccard (4% service charge) or approved PA check w/ID.
PA sales tax where applicable.
Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over advertising.